◆ Master ◆


Research theme:Study on appearance of finishing pattern by light and shadow 

Kai Nomura


Research theme:Study on rain muscle soiling of building exterior material 

Yi Lin Ling



Research theme:Research on rain muscle soiling by mounting parts

Takayuki Okabe


Research themeStudy on application of optical technology in construction field

Kohei Kato


Research theme:Study on Maintenance and Maintenance of Historic Buildings 

Shunsuke Yoshida

◆ Bachelor ◆

Research theme:Study on deterioration evaluation method of sealant
- initial result of promotion test -
Kana Suzuki
Naoto Yamaguchi


Research theme:Study on appearance of finishing pattern by light and shadow

Shintaro Maekawa

Soramichi Minagawa

Shiori Kihara


Research theme:Study on soiling of specimen with different water contact angle and shape

Natsuki Ikeda

Ryo Kawai

Yui Minagawa


Research theme:Research on effective utilization of timber

- Distribution of domestic wood and investigation of properties -

Youhei Kasaki

Noriko Obara


Research theme:Research on colors and materials

- Survey on color trends of exterior materials of super high-rise apartment houses -

Souse Hashimoto

Aiko Yamakawa

◆ ゼミナール生 ◆

- ゼミナールA・B -

Research theme:Survey on the actual situation on rain muscle dirt prevention measures

Takashi Noji

Daisuke Horii


Research theme:Research on maintenance and conservation of historic buildings

Yuki Nasu

Toru Yamaguchi


Research theme:Study on rain streak contamination of polycarbonate

Asuka Yamamoto


Research theme:Shrinkage factor and hardness test of wood

Takanori Yamashita

Kanpei Maruo


Research theme:Study on stickiness evaluation method of surface treatment

Shohei Narita

Manabu Hasegawa